For 66 years, F.-M. RICHARD & ASSOCIÉS has developed with its clients a business relationship based on trust and professionalism.
Around 50 people are on the spot everyday to bring to you the best of their business efficiency. F.-M. RICHARD & ASSOCIÉS has trained specific structured teams to be listening and available, to understand your challenges and to implement your specific internal organization.
Our firm has been serving our clients since 1945, in the accounting, business sector, legal and contractual audit and advice sectors ; a firm structured to face client needs in conformity with its principles of integrity and reliability.
All our business is dedicated to the accounting profession, to the audit sector and to tax and other consultancy. Regular business carried out for our clients relates to a large range of services.
Our firm has references in diverse professional sectors, such as industrial and services, social sector, social real estate, TV, radio and cinema profession, as well as legal expertise at court, hotel business, direct selling.